Assalamualaikum :)(:
1st of all i'd like to say Jazakallah khairan to the new followers of my blog
Alhamdulillah , there are about 1000 something followers on my blog
Amely start ber-blogging since 2011 , August .
For me , im still one of the newbie . Need to make many improvement to attract people to read my blog
I'm not 100% hoping that everyone can stop on my blog and click the "follow" button
But i just hope that i can leave something for whoever yang baca blog amely :) InshAllah
Yesterday , i was on the way to somewhere with my family
And suddenly i saw a very pretty girl who was heading to the one of the nearest stall
She is so pretty . With the long hair , fair skin and nice smile + make up on her face .
I was staring at her for a moment . I really adore the way she smiles , walks and everything
But suddenly.... there's something which is quite "eye-catchy" at her hand
Its a ciggarate guys ! Yesh im pretty sure with that . Its a ciggarate
Oh now i know , the girl that i was staring at is smoking... Sigh*

Then me heading off to a place which is so crowded . Crowded with the servants of Allah swt :)

There's a lot of people with different styles , different looks and different religions
I hate being in this kind of situation , i mean "crowded" , but somehow it kinda nice for me because i can see many types of people around me .
I was helping my mummy to find a nice necklace for my lil sis , as my lil sis is a "accesories-lover" :p
Suddenly there were some smokes that hit on my face and i was coughing while did some internal mologue which sound like "kenapa mesti nak merokok dekat tempat yang crowded and sempit mcm ni?!urgh"
I was trying to find who the one yang smoke at that such of crowded place and suddenly my eyes were looking at someone with a ciggar at the hand .
And guess what ? Tuan rokok itu adalah seorang perempuan ! "Nauzubillah..harap-harap aku tkkn mcmni"
I just kept silence and thought - how come that girl can smoke while she knows that she is so not eligible to smoke plus she's a girl ! A girl who was born is Islam and the fact that cant be denied anymore is SHE IS A MUSLIM GIRL !
I closed my eyes for awhile and said to me myself , "Y i no smoke?"
Its not because i wanna smoke but i wanna put myself in her shoes .
If she a muslim girl and i bet she's still young and she can smoke , so why cant i ?
And suddenly i got the answer .... "Rambut sama hitam , hati lain-lain"
Our journey was continued to somewhere yang dipenuhi dengan gerai-gerai kecil
And ofcourse bilangan manusia-manusia semakin bertambah as it was 1pm and its lunch hour if not be mistaken lah kan .
And AGAIN , for the 3 times , i found a girl who was wearing a purple baju kurung with the very cute hairband on the hair but unfortunately there's a cigg in her hand :( And i asked myself for the thousand time , why is that happen ? Long-sigh*
Lumrah -
Bila kita menegur seseorang ke arah kebaikan , kita pulak yang akan dimarahi mereka .
Katanya kita "bajet baik,perasan bagus,get a mirror" bla bla bla...
So what actually we have to do ?

Dalam islam kita boleh berdakwah menggunakan byk cara . Berdakwah atau at-tabligh adalah salah satu sifat yg spttnya ada dlm diri setiap umat Islam -
"Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu puak yang menyeru (berdakwah)
kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam), dan menyuruh berbuat segala
perkara yang baik, serta melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk
dan keji). Dan mereka yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang yang berjaya........" - Ali Imran , ayat 104
Kita bukan cuba untuk menunjuk yang kita baik tp bukankah sepatutnya kita menegur seseorang untuk ke arah kebaikan? Kalau tkbole tegur dengan lidah , gunakan anggota badan mahupun hati .
Berdakwah mungkin susah tp jd senang kalau kita boleh berdakwah dengan cara -
1st - Bil-Hikmah atau secara bijaksana :)
2nd - Mauziah al-Hasanah atau secara melalui nasihat dan pengajaran yang baik :)
3rd - Mujadalah billati hiya ahsan atau berbahas dengan cara yang baik :)
InshAllah kalau kita mampu buat mcmni , kita mampu menarik seseorng untuk bergerak ke jalan yang benar
Nak ke kita tengok Islam dicemuh ? Kita marah bila org cemuh islam tapi kita jaga tak tatasusila kita sebagai seorang Islam ? :)(:
To be frank , dear sisters you no look cool with the ciggs in your hand .
All of us wanted to be a respected one but how come people gonna respect us if we're actually showing the -ve attitude to the people around us ?
Yeshh , dont judge any books by its cover but if you found a book and its cover was burnt and what do you expect for the book ? Can you still read it ? Can u still understand for the whole story of that book ?
I bet your answer is NO !
So same goes like a muslim girl who is smoking but in the same time she wanna people around her gives her some respect and accept all the way she is .
Yes people can give her a little respect but how with the smoke & ciggs thiggy ? :)
p/s : Semoga semuanya berubah dan baik-baik belaka . Amin
awk baru lagi rupanya.. afiq igtkan dah lama dlm dunia blog ni
yup, not cool at all!!
@Afiq Yassinbru sgt lg hehe
@Cik tikah:)
Cehh style. say thanks to your ICT teacher. Terima Kasih Cikgu :D
@Anis Najwa Nazariterima kasih cikgu haha gaya ehsan
not cool at all. but not only girl, guys pun sama. mrosakkan diri sendiri je.
@dayatau tkpe
I pernah dine @Delicious Mid Valley, there was a lady wearing scarf dengan bangga merokok.. Ohh..apakah? Dunia..dunia..
@Zuraidai pernah nmpk skali and unfortunately the incident was happened at kelantan . sigh
I couldn't agree more :)
what an interesting blog u have there! love your thoughts. keep it up, dear.
nice to know you and keep in touch.
@ReeneeRaaidsubhanAllah thanks reenee :) never thought that you're going to follow me on my blog . Jazakallah khairan :)
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