Woah what a good news for all the Android-ers !
If dulu semua iphone's users boleh envy kan orang lain dgn adanya Instagram dia
Termasuk diri budak yang sdg tulis entri ni . Aisheh men .
Frankly speaking , Instagram is more fabulous than nikon *facepalm*
Btw , ada lagi dekat sini yang taktahu apa itu Instagram ?
Okay lemme explain to you readers yang tktahu lagi what is Instagram actually .
Okay , Instagram - It's a fast , beautiful && fun way to share your photo with le friends and family .
You can just snap many pictures , choose a filter to transform its look and feel , then post to Instagram . Share to facebook , twitter && maybe tumblr too - it's as easy as pie . It's photo sharing , reinvented .
And it's free ! :)
*Gila gedebak besar Instagram ni ! Hahaha*
So ni antara contoh photo yang diambil oleh Instagram

Yes i know . Very the awesome kan ? :)
So to all the Android-ers , selamat menikmati Instagram ini !
My friend was telling me that there's a bunch of people ni bergaduh sebab dorng ni pengguna iPhone and they felt it is so unfair lah beli iPhone mahal mahal but then Android pun ada Instagram
Aiyoo . Come on people , make up your mind .
Pasal Instagram is now available dkt Android pun nak jadikan kes ? Nak kecoh jgk ?
Tak perlu la nak kecoh . Instagram je pun :))
Btw , last 2 days i was telling my mum that i want iPhone and i wanted her to survey the prices of iphone
But then my mom told me that iPhone is so mahal
Frankly speaking , i'm not a phone-lover
I'm not a type yg tukar phone macam tukar boxer . Nope . I'm not
I nak iphone sebab ada instagram . And yes the jelousy is catching up myself when i see someone is uploading their instagram's photo which is so vogue and fabulous . Unlike mine . Sigh
But when I heard that now , i mean today , Instagram is now available for Android , so i've changed my mind
And and and , just now i told my mum that i dont want iphone , i want Android
So my mum just nod-ed her head . Issit a good sign for me ? Err errr
Btw guys , korang ada cadangan for me untuk beli Android jenis apa ? ;p

This is Samsung I7500 . Aaaaaa not really catchyy kot ?

And yes !! I'm in love with this samsung android !! So superb !
Mummy abah , can i get this one ? :/
This is galaxy pro isnt it ?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y u so superb lah ? :(
Like seriously , i want this Android so bad :/
Amely jarang sangat nak phone tu sampai betul betul nak beli
Amely jenis mcm suka phone tu but then diam je . Takat minat tgk semua .
But i dnt know why this time macam the eager to have this android suddenly rising macam apa !
Om om om . Adakah ini tanda bahawa amely akan dapat android ? :p *thinking*
K , before entri nk habis , so jom kita sedapkan mata dgn gmbr from Instagram :)

And the last one ,
Macam ku kenal perempuan ini . Tapi di mana ya ? Kenapa muka sama macam Amely ni ?
Hahaha :p Gedik kn ? Nk jgk tepek muka dia kt sini :P Kbai !
p/s : encik boypreng menangis melalak buat muka kesian mintak kita update jgk psl dia dkt blog :P haha
bia betol android de instagram...
bes la..
@hanaheheh dh ada dh
ek ek gamai dh guna ni tapi saya tak thu pun ahah bkn gune android :d
@Fiq Fikrihahaha yeee
ble la nk merasa pki hp android nie~
cepat2 search nak donlod
@NabielinshAllah nanti ada rezeki boleh la merasa hehe
@zafira othman.hehe pakai android ke ? :p
Gambar instogram memang canti...
nak cadang android yg mana satu terbaik tak tahu la... sbb tak pakai lg... hihihi
-Manan Qayyim-
@Manan Qayyimhehehe okok
perhh perhh..nk kena cari ni app instagram.
@ZaroLhaha crik2
Baru tahu,tq
@kak mahwelcome :)
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